Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Obamacare Website Programmers Complained About Unrealistic Deadlines

Obamacare Website Programmers Complained About Unrealistic Deadlines
"But in remarks at a Rose Garden event, Obama offered no explanation for the failure except to note that high traffic to the website caused some of the slowdowns."

There's simply no explanation he could give in the two minutes or less in which the media will insist he provide it!

(and we all know now how the poor, poor media and Chuck Todd are not very busy investigating the facts and using them to confront TParty fabrications about the law, nor do they seem interested in validating Obama's more enlightened, wits-end premise --'It's not the website--it's the HEALTH INSURANCE Stoopud!") 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Obama Is 'Rope-a-Doping' the GOP

Obama Is 'Rope-a-Doping' the GOP

Congressional Republicans Violate Oath of Office

Congressional Republicans Violate Oath of Office
 "Self-righteous Republicans would be the first to condemn a worker who is fired for refusing to perform his job. The GOP would deny that guy unemployment benefits. They'd jail an accountant who deliberately paid company bills late, damaging the firm's credit rating. But that's exactly what Republicans are doing to their employer. They're betraying America by violating their sworn duty of office."

Section four of the 14th amendment is becoming more and more relevant to President Obama, everyday.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Anarchists of the House

Anarchists of the House

Boehner: Congress 'Ought To Be Judged On How Many Laws We Repeal'

Boehner: Congress 'Ought To Be Judged On How Many Laws We Repeal'

Then we'd soon be a lawless country...

And then the side with all those assault weapons they've been fighting crazily to own in vast number, WINS--so they figure.

In the meantime, with great anticipation they've managed to erect 'stand your ground' laws affording these conspirators legal protection while they gain human target practice, so it seems.

The tea party is so obvious--and anarchy is nothing new under the sun.. 

'Why Are We Electing So Many Gynecologists To Congress?'

'Why Are We Electing So Many Gynecologists To Congress?'

CEO Confirms Historic Moon Landing Finding